Wednesday, April 30, 2014


“Teach Us to Number Our Days”
In the old neighborhood, each funeral parlor   
is more elaborate than the last.
The alleys smell of cops, pistols bumping their thighs,   
each chamber steeled with a slim blue bullet.

Low-rent balconies stacked to the sky.   
A boy plays tic-tac-toe on a moon   
crossed by TV antennae, dreams

he has swallowed a blue bean.
It takes root in his gut, sprouts
and twines upward, the vines curling   
around the sockets and locking them shut.

And this sky, knotting like a dark tie?
The patroller, disinterested, holds all the beans.

August. The mums nod past, each a prickly heart on a sleeve.

The first time I read this I understood that the neighborhood was poor "Low-rent balconies"and dangerous "The alleys smell of cops". I feel like this would look like Downtown LA. In the third stanza, the narrator introduces the innocence of a child. When I first read the first line on the 3rd stanza, I thought that the kid might have accidentally swallowed some type of drug because since the neighborhood was dangerous, I assumed that drugs were not uncommon there. 

By the last read, I kind of saw the "blue bean" as a symbol of dreams and aspirations. Since this neighborhood can be said to be low class, they protroller in a way holds the future of the kid in his hands. If the patroller decides to stop the kid from "swallowing"his future, the child is not going to have any good type of future. The game of tic-tac-toe can symbolize the child's uncertain future. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


This week, what I have been trying to do is find resources that show the difference between the way "respect" is shown to older people in the way they address them and the type of language that each society uses to address them.


Shakespeare characterizes Lady Macbeth as someone who is willing to do what ever it takes to get the throne. She is  someone who would trade her gender because she is scared that Macbeth is too weak to do what it takes to get to the throne. Macbeth sees her wife as someone who cares about him and his well-being.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


How is Macbeth introduced through in/direct characterization?

What elements of foreshadowing do the witches provide?

How does Shakespeare's approach to exposition give the reader background information about the setting and characters and a sense of what's to come without spoiling the play?

How does Shakespeare's characterization of Macbeth reflect a sense of tone (i.e., the author's attitude toward the character/s, audience, and/or subject matter)?

What themes appear evident in Macbeth's character and conduct?  To what extent do you think these themes will drive the rest of the play? 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Brave new world

Watching the interview did not really change my mind because he put his ideas on the book. Hus ideas on overpopulation, dependence on technology, over organization and drugs are present in his book. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


While browsing through pictures online, I came across this picture. When I saw it, I felt that this picture explains many of the prejudices and stereotype of our society today.